170 lbs of

Charlottesville North Carolina. He was in the US Marines of the time this shot was made. By complete coincidence, while sationed in Korea, Cliff met ond became. very close buddies with AMG model Frank Bird (see Smr 56 PP). They found they shared many of the same interests, working out, boxing. Both are ruggedly masculine and yet at the same time refined and cultured. Cliff is naturally hairless, has skin

with the texture of velvet.

AMG offers 5 catalogs of Simpson 50c.

They are YJ13 pp 2-5 and 26.

This is AMG photo YJI-CD

BOB MC CUNE. While he is al type too mature for some readers,

he always draws very high in popularity polls, and it seems that hist fans never tire of him.

After college. Bob was a professional wrestler for a number of years (under the name of Lord Pinkerton). Then he ran a gym

in Long Beach California. When last we heard he was running o Used Cor Lot,

This is AMG photo ZL 4.

12 photos of Bob Mc Cune $2.50.

3 catalogs 30 cents.

Page 4

WHY YOU CANNOT BUY PHYSIQUE PICTORIAL ON ALL NEWSTANDS. When you put down your 35c for a copy of Physique Pictorial (or any of the other books at the newstonds), did you know that only a fraction of this is ever returned to the publisher? In some areas, the need for a book such as ours is so limited as to make distribution costs run for in excess of revenue earned. Some publications in order to impress advertisers with high circulation figures are willing to take this loss--certain books (in other fields) actually pay out 125% of the subscription price to agencies. But Physique Pictorial carries no paid advertising because we believe it is impossible for a publication to remain completely free from the dictates of its advertisers. Would we dare tell you that most protein supplements are so much excess junk if we were selling full page ads to a supplier of these? (One magazine tried this and promptly lost the advertiser). Apollo International lays down the law in the magazines where it advertises that when an ad is placed, several full page photos of models they wish to push will also appear. Editors chaffe at this.

Now, in one sense Physique Pictorial is "just a big catalog" in that every painting, drawing, and photo gives price information. This information is carried free for the artist and photographer who therefore is interested that his very best work will appear here. But since the whole arrangement is voluntary on both sides, there is no pressure for us to run material that we feel does not fit our format. We believe that as a result we get a selection of the finest work obtainable in our field.

Our total circulation is not tremendous, but rather quite select. We are not interested in circulation at any cost, but will go into any new area where the sales will justify placing our book. In areas where we do not have wholesalers, we will supply an individual newstand as few as 25 copies at a wholesaler's price as a convenience to residents of that area. Tell your dealer about this and give him our address.

Page 5.